Friday, May 7, 2010

Kicking Some Left Behind: The Preterist Podcast

As a disclaimer, this post is unrelated to powerlifting, the theme of this blog. If theology is not your cup of tea, then by all means, move on, there's nothing to see here. Otherwise, read on...

Those who have known me for a while know that one of my passions is theology, particularly in the area of eschatology, the study of the "end times." Besides posting at my general theology and apologetics blog, Theopologetics, I am also an author at my friend Dee Dee Warren's The Preterist Blog, where orthodox Christians unite in opposition to the heresy that is hyperpreterism, and where preterists refute the dispensational, premillennial futurist view that is all the craze in the modern American Church.

Dee Dee also hosts The Preterist Podcast, which I highly recommend if you want to study what the Bible really has to say about the "end times." Start from the beginning, and I think you'll find at the very least that what dispensationalism is not the only legitimate, sensible interpretation of Scripture. Hopefully you'll be persuaded that preterism is the best understanding thereof.

Anyway, I'm posting this because I was honored to hear my name on the latest episode of The Preterist Podcast, the most recent in a series in which she exposes the poor writing skills, imagination and theology exhibited in Left Behind by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. Warren is a crazed Apple fanatic, and much to her shock and amazement, I prefer the Zune to the iPod. As such, in introducing me to her audience as the latest author at her blog, she couldn't help decry my poor taste in music devices. Nevertheless, I'm honored she thinks I have my "eschatological ducks in a row." Thanks, Dee!


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