Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Name in the Record Books? Might Just Happen...

Until moments ago, had anybody asked me if I stood a chance of setting any records in the upcoming YMCA Seattle Summer Classic, I'd laugh and dismiss the notion immediately. In fact, I did just that at the gym earlier today. However, at the suggestion of fellow lifter Jill Joiner-Wong, I looked it up. To my amazement, I just might!

According to the latest USAPL Washington State Men's Open records, the record lifts for a RAW lifter in my category are too heavy for me this time around, with one exception: the bench press. The current record is 336 pounds*, and I planned to open with at least 325 pounds, and fully expected to bench more than 336 in my second or third lift! So as it turns out, you, my readers, might see my name in the record books in the not-too-distant future!

* Some lifters choose to compete only in the bench press or only in the deadlift. The record for a RAW lifter in my weight class doing only the bench press is significantly heavier, but is tracked separately from the record bench press amongst those competing in all three lifts.


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