Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Interview at Disciple Training Gear

As I mentioned a few days ago, I was recently asked to give an interview for Disciple Training Gear. I am honored to have been asked to say a little about myself, and look forward to wearing DTG at the gym and at upcoming competitions. I can't wait to get my free "Jesus is a Bodybuilder" T-shirt in the mail!

If you would like to learn a little bit more about me, besides what's available at my "About Me" page, read my interview at DTG. Here are a couple of excerpts:

DTG: What do you like to do in your spare time?

I’ve got a wife and three kids and a full-time job, so I don’t have a lot of spare time. However, what I enjoy most is studying and communicating biblical theology and apologetics. I have a blog at where I try to encourage other “average Joes” like me to discover the riches of Truth contained in Scripture and develop a love for the depth and breadth of God’s Word.

DTG: What drives you to compete/get better? What is your motivation?

Primarily to bring my body and lifestyle into conformity with God’s will and bring Him glory. However, having recently discovered Disciple Training Gear, I think I might have found another motivator. If I can become pretty competitive, and if I’m wearing Disciple Training Gear, I think it might produce opportunities to share the gospel.

DTG: What place does religion have in your life?

I’d like to think it permeates every aspect of it, though I’ve got a lot of growing to do...Jesus Christ is real—He died for our sins, was buried and bodily rose from the grave as the first fruits of those who, recognizing their sin and inability to please God, having placed their trust in Him as the propitiation of their sins, likewise will rise from the grave when He returns. If we truly believe this, in what parts of our lives should He NOT have a place?


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