Friday, April 16, 2010

Thanks a Lot, Osgood and Schlatter...

So, I saw the orthopedist today, and it went pretty well. Long story short, the X-rays don't show any problem with the bones, and it doesn't look like I need surgery or anything. I'm going to see a physical therapist once a week for a month and then have it looked at again. Thank God; I really didn't want to stymie my powerlifting "career" before it even began, by having surgery or something otherwise invasive.

Basically, it looks like the Osgood-Schlatter disease I had as an adolescent has left me with a fragmented tubercle in my left knee, and this may be the source of some of my pain (along with maybe some IT band issues). You can see the fragmentation in the pictures at top left and at right (it's circled in each; click for a larger view). The pain, apparently, can be mediated through therapy, strething, that sort of thing.

So, no big deal at this point. Praise the Lord!


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